Sunday, April 30, 2006

Akshay Tritiya.....

Today is Akha teej or Akshay Tritiya.....One of the most important days in vaishanav calender.This day marks the beginninng of Satya Yuga /Appearance of Lord Parshurama and on this day Ved Vyas and Lord Ganesha(My spiritual Master) started writing "Mahabharata".Good deeds done on this day gives one "eternal benefits"...i.e the results of good deeds done on this day are never lost...birth after birth...(one gets the credit birth after birth).

Today,I got up at 5 am after such a long time(to take advantage of this day).!(see how greedy I am...for my own benefit.pleasure)!...and after taking bath ..started chanting!and was just amazing...It was ecstatic and I was almost crying(I am pretty sure it was made up!Impure people like me...cant get this nectar)...nonetheless,it was like the best feeling I ever had..(may be I got the reward of Akshay Tritiya)...

I am wondering if what I felt today was beyond words ,then how it is when one is playing,eating,living with Krishna in Goloka /Vaikunthloka!.

.Any Ideas.............................................................

Hare Krishna!!

Om Gan Ganpatye Namah!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Free Will

Well,I always use to wonder if we have any free will??Everytime I used to do something which actually I did not wanted to do(talking about activities not guided/ordered by others) thoughts were...well who is this provoking me /stopping me to do the actions which I dont want to do!..

Finally,I got my answer from Bhagwat Gita...Lord Krishna beautifully explains to Arjuna that "we are actuallly not the doers,everything is done by interaction of three modes of material nature..Sattva Guna(mode of goodness),Rajas Guna(passion) and Tamo Guna(ignorance).Our material life is predestined...on the basis of our previous birth Karmic activities.If one acts in passion of goodness he will be well off than what he is in this life and if one acts in passion of ignorance he will worse off than what he is in this life!So,there are karmic reactions to both pious and impious activities...i .e...there is no way that we can have free will in "this mode of life".

But We have free will when it comes to spiritual advancement.We are free to choose the spiritual(only eternal) path .When one surrenders to Krishna,all his activities becomes transcendental.There is no "karmic reaction" he has to go through ,so he doesnt need to take birth again in this material world..even if he does(if someone falters in devotional life),he will have the same "level of devotion" at least in the next life.To further enhance it ,will be again a matter of free will!

Many people say spiritual and material activities are just habits...well as far as I know habits end with the end of the in case of material activities....yes they can be termed as habits as everything comes to an end at the time of death...but well in case of Krishna Conciousness ....the surrenderer starts his next life(in case) with the credit "earned" in his previous this is not a habit....this is an eternal activity!!

So,pls relish this eternal activity from today only,,,Simply by chanting...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare RamaRama Rama Hare Hare!!

Om Gan Ganpatye Namah!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Power of Krishna Conciousness

Today I am feeling the immense power of Krishna Conciousness.Dont know for the past couple of days I have been yearning for some material things...but due to the mercy of My spiritual master Lord Ganesha and of course Krishna himself,I have been able to curb those desires.

Well,someone might say its natural to have desires ..but well..I think in today's world what is called "natural" is not really natural and what is called "unnatural" is actually natural...Well thats the nature of Kali-Yuga....

But as Chaitainya Mahaprabhu has said...

harer nama harer namaharer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty evanasty eva gatir anyatha

"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way"

This is sooooo true...even some as impure,rascal like me can experience this.......

Pls Pls Pls Chant....

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

Om Gan Ganpatye Namah!

Friday, April 14, 2006


Bhagwat Gita was just any other sacred book for me till I came to Manchester .I dont know but some unknown energy guided me to borrow Bhagwat Gita from my grandfather before leaving for Manchester.The first time when i finished reading Gita(poem of Lord Krishna) ,I said to myself..this is amazing,fascinating .I felt that I need to read this again to get more deeper understanding....Well this time ,more amazing result...I was able to understand a thing called "life",which I was trying to understand by studying other philosophical books,literature and talking to other people .

I questioned myself WHY DID'T I READ GITA ALL THESE YEARS?but well now I have read (and still doing it because it keeps me awake !! in this material world) I pay my humble obesiances to my spiritual master Lord Ganesha and of course Lord Krishna ! who guided me to read this transcendental knowledge .

In Gita Lord Krishna talks about sweetest,most blissful relationship between God(Lord Krishna himself) and living beings(soul).This transcendental literature make us aware that what is the purpose of life?why are we born?what is the reality and illusion?who are we? Reincarnation?in a very convincing manner as it is spoken by none other than Lord Krishna himself.

Gita specifically talks about Ishwara(God),Jiva(Soul),Karma(action),Prakarti(Nature) and Kaal(Time).Out of these ,only Karma(action) is not eternal,everything else is.

To understand Gita,one must have the following qualifications-

1.One must humbly read this literature (without any prejudice)

2.One must consider Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead(even if you dont,just hypothetically consider ...)

3.One must consider this material world as place of misery and try to get out of it.

I bet one who sincerly reads this poetry of Lord,he will be amazed by the changes which will take place in his life!...

Om Gan Ganpatye Namah

Hare Krishna !!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Why I cant understand God??

Today,I had the good fortune of meeting his Holiness Devamrita Maharaj at Candidasa place.We did some Kirtan,then he spoke on Chapter 7 verse 1 regarding absoloute truth .On the way back we(mitesh,joy) and myself were discussing about God and absolute truth.Well,the discussion boiled down to the fact that why cant we understand God?Well Krishna himself says it is impossible to understand him fully.Only by the way of devotion one can understand me as I am."bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah tato mam tattvato jnatva visate tad-anantaram"Chapter 18 verse 55.

The point I want to make out is that we dont even know our body so how in the world we can know about God without surrendering unto him.In the material world itself for example-I have never come across a Doctor who says I know the whole body,even to understand this minute body of ours(for that matter a house-fly),we have specialists!!ENT,Heart specialists,Opthalmologist..etc etc...but we never have a complete doctor..and we talk about why it is difficult to understand God who is all pervasive,all opulent,all powerful etc etc..!!.To understand a small part of body we have to dedicate considerable part of our "small " lives...and well still we are unable to find a cure to some of the diseases prevailing in these times.......

But Krishna is so sweet,so merciful that he says We can understand him only by the way of devotion...!!Now,someone might ask why we need to understand him in the first place?Well,why do u need to understand a small part of body??...answer is to cure the infected the similar way to cure the"anxiety,pain,sorrow,voidness"we have to understand that we are not of this world..our original conciousness is to be serve Krishna....the eternal truth...who in turn will serve you(even if you dont want,see he is soooo merciful,so sweet)...and how we can do this...

Simply by surrendering unto chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krnsa Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

My pranam to my spiritual Master ,Ganesh Maharaj who makes me understand and gives this foolish fellow intelligence to understand truth"Lord Krishna"!

Ganesh Maharaj Ki Jai!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Material Love and Spiritual Love(Love with Krishna)

Just thought to write my own experience about Material and Spiritual Love-

Material Love-Fades(passion,expression etc) over a period of time

love with Krishna-Even more blissful,ecstatic over a period of increases...ya it does

Material Love-ends(if it lasts for lifetime that is!!) with death

Spiritual Love-Is it means surrendering your soul to Krishna...and soul and Krishna are eternal

Material Love-Might create(in most cases actually) creates some sort of animosity,jealousy against others etc etc..

Spiritual Love-It makes you love every one ..even our "enemies" as you see soul and "supersoul"(Krishna )in everyone)

Material Love-easy to "start" but difficult to maintain

Spiritual Love-hard to "start" but very very easy to maintain(as u completely surrender to Krishna)

Material Love-Can alleviate pain,sorrow to some extent

Spiritual Love-makes you transcendental to pain,sorrow!even if you actually go thru pain,sorrow you dont feel it as you are absorbed in Krishna's love

and Last but not the least....

Material Love-leads you to attachment,bodily conception of life...and hence bewilderment

Spiritual Love-leads you to Liberation from cycle of birth and death and hence helps us to go back to godhead .....(Goloka Vrindavan).... our natural home

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Some soul stirring thoughts.....

What have you lost for which you wee? What is that you brought with you but have now lost? What is there that you produced but has now perished? You did not bring anything to this world .Whatever you have, you had it only here. Whatever you have taken it is from Him, the Almighty. Whatever you rendered it was rendered into His. Empty-handed you came and empty-handed you will go. Whatever is yours today was somebody else’s yesterday and will be somebody else’s tomorrow. You take delight in the illusion that it belongs to you. Also this illusory happiness is at the root of all your suffering

Dedicate all your actions to God. It will enable you to experience the happiness of a truly Liberated One

Text from Bhagvatam and Bhagat Gita

Monday, April 03, 2006

My Spiritual Master-Lord Ganesha

My Love-Lord Krishna

Spiritual Master

Lord Krishna spoke these words to Arjuna in Bhagwat Gita-Chapter 4.Verse 34

Tad viddhi pranipatena ,pariprasnena sevaya
upadekshayanti te jnanam,jnanis tattva-darsinah

"Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth. "

My spiritual Master is Lord Ganesha who gave me the intelligence and guidance to follow the path of Krishna Conciousness.My humble obeisances unto him.

I completely surrender unto my Spiritual master and I sincerly do believe that he will always guide me through the dark and mundane tunnels of material world to all enlightened and blissful spiritual world.

Om Gan Ganpatye Namah!!

Maha Mantra of Life

Mahamantra of life-is to completely surrender oneself unto the lotus feet of Krishna.The goal of our life is to serve Krishna wherever we are and go back to our home...Goloka Vrindavan...-residence of Lord Krishna and his intimate associates....A place full of eternal bliss,joy,happiness-(something which we madly search for in this material world only in vain..)....but Goloka the world which has all these qualities in abundance ,in fullness....

Simply by chanting-Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

We can go back to our original home...back to Godhead Goloka Vrindavan